Saturday, 18 May 2013

Fruh kolsch

Today's offering is a rather unusual beer being a beer only really brewed in Cologne, there are many types and a visit to a typical Koln bar is a lovely experience all be it tradition means you drink in 0.2L glasses, as you can see I am not one for tradition




Pale gold with large lasting white head.


Is succulent malt with a touch of hops and lemon as well for good measure


The taste is light malt with a faint underpinning of hop bitterness, just a nice touch of carbonation. The finish is slightly dry and is gentle malt with a touch of fruity but slightly bitter hops


Not a heavy weight in the taste department but very very quaffable especially on a summer day. I like the kolsch style while I think I prefer Dom of fruh I would recommend you try a kolsch. It is a try regional special as much as Bavarian wheat beer.


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