Monday, 29 April 2013

Maredsous Tripel (AKA 10)

Today's offering is an Abbey bier which is brewed by Moorgat (Duvel) but controlled by monks, so a true abbey beer.


Old gold with slightly cloudiness large white lasting head


Aroma of pear comes across with a touch of citrus like fruit also mixed in with a touch of earthiness.


The flavour is dominated by that pear and orange flavour at first then a touch of spicy hops followed by a bitter earthy hops. The finish is long complex with warming alcohol, juicy fruit and malt and the earthy hoppyness all mixing and fading in and out and trading off each other.


I think this is the best abbey beer I have tasted I like the earthiness and complexity, not necessary easy drinking and not ideal to introduce to people to Belgium beers but lovely nevertheless.


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