Monday, 23 September 2013

Konig Ludwig Dunkel

Today's offering is a big two fingers to Munich Oktoberfest (Munich breweries did ban this brewer from the party as he is a little unorthodox; dry hopping and turns 80% of the malt sugar into alcohol). It almost impossible to find the dunkel in the Netherlands I had to cross the boarder for this one.


Mid chestnut  with very slightly off white head that really lasts


Roasted malt at first that is replaced by a very mild coffee a touch of figs and a spicy hop note.


Dark roasted grain at first which get increasingly fig and vinously fruity as time goes on. The finish is long a slightly coffee like bitterness and slightly sour balanced by the vinous fruits


Ok this beer is hard to get out side Germany as it is so good, I really like this beer it has sweetness, sourness and bitterness a classic beer that I wish was more available.


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